Hello everyone, today i will be starting a new series in which i uncover and then write about random and not very known crates on crates.io. Crates.io is a website which stores rust libraries name...
How to output files and directory along with their icons with the ls command
Overview Hello there, it’s snow and i’m back with another completely impractical (but cool) tutorial; I don’t know for you but i have always wanted to see the output of the ls command show me the ...
July recap: programs and books
Soo…July had been awesome and very constructive, here are some interesting stuff i did and some i wanted to do but did not do: Programming I finished building my blogging website with ne...
Discover the awesome lite text editor 😃 💻
What the heck is it 🕶 The lite text editor is an open-source, modern, beautiful and extremely customizable text editor, it also is very lightweight(2 mb). The core is written written in c using t...